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It’s always hard to get your house or an apartment rid of all those smells…

The dust, dirt and other things regularly build up a strong odor of its own kind, if not cleaned up quite frequently.

Add having a dog or a car, just as well as little kids and it seems virtually impossible to get your home smelling like a cookie, and not an old cookie jar…

Still, there’s a whole variety of smells out there, which are very comforting scents, making us feel at home.

But how do we fight off any bad smelling and beat it with a permanent, long-lasting nice scents?

Clearly, nobody wants to have the stinky home, and if you are used to a musty or stale smell, you might not even realize how unpleasant your home is. If you want your guests, clothing, and home to make a little more sweet impression, here are three easy ways which will all help you in creating your very own natural air freshener.

On the Stove

This is a fun and entertaining way to warm up your home, while at the same time enhance it with sweet smells.

—John Doe

To get started, fill up a pot with water and place it on the stove. Then, throw your favorite fruits and citruses in there, after cutting them up and adding to an already boiling water.

And just believe our vast experience, citrus fruits work the best here. If you’re keen for little additional experiments, then try to add some extra spices and herbs. This will ultimately create your own personal scent.

We recommend you trying vanilla, cinnamon sticks, almond extract, whole cloves, pine cones, peppermint extract, rosemary, coconut extract, cedar, or even twigs.
Once the water begins boiling and heating the ingredients, a very pleasant natural smell will fly through your home and drift into your carpets, furniture, and clothing. There are plenty of ways to create a yummy scent, but remember to keep it simple by sticking to three ingredients or fewer.

Essential Oils

Essential oils are the Holy Grail in the natural cleaning world.

We’re sure that it’s much better to clean with products that aren’t going to kill off your lungs or attack brain cells. We use only natural products tend to leave no smell at all.
That is what makes essential oils so fit for this.

You can add a drop of lavender to your clothing, a drop of orange to your cleaner, and then create your own natural air freshener at a blink of an eye.
In order to create a spray or diffuser, fill a bottle with a cup of water, 1-2 tablespoons of unflavored vodka, and an essential oil. Then sprinkle it in the air, on the furniture, and throughout the home.

Quick Deodorizers

When you don’t have the time or the ingredients to mix up an air freshener of your choice, simply try to grab a bottle of vinegar. I know vinegar has a strong scent, but it is awesome at deodorizing, and the scent will quickly fade away.

Baking soda works too, as it attacks smells in the refrigerator or a closed space and simply sponges them out. Just leave the top open and let it do its magic.

All in all, there are so many ways to freshen up your home without using harmful chemicals. One of the best ways to add an exquisite scent is by bringing nature inside – just think about Christmas!

Plants are actually more natural at cleaning the air, than the chemicals we learned to use instead.
Their flowers fill it with their pleasant smell, so add a few to your m

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